Presently working as Vice Principal and Hospital Superintendent. An Aluminus of SMS Dental wing Jaipur and MDS in Oral medicine and Radiology From KLE institute of Dental sciences Belgaum. * Active teacher and academician for Past 15 yrs and has delivered Guest lectures at various international, National and IDA Local Branches. * Served as Executive committee member of IAOMR Head office. He Served as Vice president IDA Udaipur Branch and at present President elect IDA Udaipur Branch. He Has been the Organising Secretary of the Triple O conf held at Udaipur in 2014. Has been the Joint organising secretary of the IDA State conference held at Udaipur in 2012. Has more than 30 Publications in journals of international Repute. Active Private Practitioner, has good communication skills, understands people and their problems, passionate about working for dental profession.